An exceptional Boujad rug, 1980s, with a vibrant checkerboard design. This rug has it all: a strong graphic composition with a modern appearance and a “punk attitude” enhanced by small outbursts in pattern on a rather wild surface. Despite the subtle, but desirable color variation in different shades of black, brownish red, orange and pink, the overall design displays a clear concept. All these are characteristics that make a Boujad rug very desirable. 

200 × 120 cm
6'5" × 4'
wool & industrial yarns


BOUJAD rugs are made by Arab tribes and Arabised Berber tribes but they are named after the town of Boujad. The surrounding region of this town lies in the western foothills of the Middle Atlas adjoining the Zaer tribal territory in the extreme western corner, and the town Beni Mellal at the northernmost edge of Western High Atlas. The knotted rugs have typically a low pile and are often made with mixed materials such as wool, cotton, textile scraps and industrial yarns. Their designs are often highly individual containing Berber motifs, motifs found in Rabat rugs, distorted checkerboard fields and gestural abstract patterns- all in lively colors.